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Hey there! 👋

My name is Mr. Hands and I make games about sex, love, and romance. You might know me from Twitter or my newsletter. In either case, I’m happy to have you!

I’ve been working on a game called Up There They Love since 2018 and am no closer to finishing it, which is why I’ve decided to document the process and share my knowledge with you on my website. Making games as a one-man-band is hard because you sometimes forget how things are done! That’s why I write about productivity, programming, motivation, writing, marketing, and everything else that’s required to actually ship a game.

I draw from a deep well of experience with making games as a UI programmer on AAA games. But my goal is to move on to making sexy games full-time. Yes, you’ve probably already played a game I worked on. No, I won’t tell you which one. 😘

Let me know what you would like me to share next!

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